Ankita Agarwal UPSC topper is a Kolkata native who, on her third try, achieved AIR 2. Ankita Agarwal IAS graduated from high school in Kolkata and went on to St Stephen’s College of Delhi University to acquire her bachelor’s degree in economics. She decided to take International Relations and Political Science as optional.

In 2019, 2020, and 2021, Ankita took the UPSC Civil Services Exam three times. She earned the AIR 236 Rank in 2019 and is presently completing her training at Faridabad’s Indian Revenue Services Customs and Indirect Taxes. She chose to study harder to join the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) despite being chosen for the IRS. When questioned about her response to earning the second rank, she responded that while she had anticipated passing the civil services exam, earning the second position had surprised her.
Ankita Agarwal IAS Topper, when asked about the mantra of preparation and success responded, “I used to devote the most amount of hours to the exam preparation,”. I made an effort to keep up a sustainable study schedule rather than putting in a set number of hours. Ankita Agarwal IAS participated in the Campus Placement Cell and the Finance & Investment Cell during her time in college. She had joined the economics society and served as the team’s chief editor for the yearbook. Ankita participated in a two-month summer internship in 2015 at CRY (Child Rights and You), an Indian non-governmental organization that works to protect children’s rights. In 2016, she participated in a three-month summer internship at Pratham, an organization that works to provide quality education to underprivileged children in India.
Ankita Agarwal IAS topper Family Background:
Ankita’s grandparents, uncles, and aunts oversaw her upbringing in a joint home. Ankita’s family was originally from Bihar. Her father is a businessman who runs a hardware store nearby in Burrabazar. She has a stay-at-home mother. Her brother is a Delhi-based MBA student. The household resides in Kalindi. Ankita says that her family gave her a lot of support as she pursued her goal of becoming an IAS officer. They never weighed her down with their hopes or made her work hard in class. She expressed her gratitude for her family’s support during the difficult process of passing the UPSC Exam.
Ankita Agarwal UPSC education
- In Kolkata, Ankita Agarwal UPSC topper attended both primary and secondary school. She finished her education at DPS Ruby Park, where she first enrolled in 2003. She was remembered by her teachers as a sincere and intelligent student.
- She graduated from St Stephen’s College of Delhi University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics (Hons).
- Before quitting her job to pursue her dreams of joining the civil service, she first worked for a corporate house.
- She prepared by engaging in both self-study and coaching as necessary.
Ankita Agarwal Biography Summary
Ankita Agarwal UPSC marksheet
Ankita Agarwal UPSC Topper Booklist:
- Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
- Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania
- India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography by GC Leong
- Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
- Ancient India by RS Sharma
- Challenges to Internal Security of India by Ashok Kumar
- NCERT Books of Class IX, X, XI, XII