On his third try, Preetam Kumar achieved All India Rank 9 in the 2021 UPSC Civil Services Examination. He has reached the interview stage three times, but in his first two attempts, he was unable to pass this particularly difficult test. Preetam Kumar, an IAS, was born and raised in Sikar, Rajasthan. His father is employed by the Rajasthan state government as an LDC (Lower Divisional Clerk). He attended school in Rajasthan before transferring to IIT Ropar to get his B.Tech in Electrical Engineering. Preetam Kumar began studying for the Civil Services Examination barely one day after graduating as an engineer and receiving his degree.
Preetam Kumar UPSC Biography
Preetam Kumar IAS biography says that in spite of making it to the interview stage in his first two attempts, he was unable to make it onto the final list of recommended candidates for the civil service. Preetam Kumar has achieved AIR 9 in the UPSC CSE 2021 on his third attempt, and his dream of becoming an IAS officer will soon come true. Despite making it to the interview stage in his previous two attempts, he was unable to establish himself in the final list of recommended students for civil offerings. Preetam Kumar has now achieved AIR 9 in the UPSC CSE 2021 on his third attempt, making the realization of his dream of becoming an IAS officer imminent. Preetam’s father, a veteran of the Kargil war, always wished for his son to join the government services in order to serve the country, but in the beginning, Preetam paid little attention. Later, while still in college, he did a career analysis and discovered that civil services were a better choice than other careers. He learned more about it and came to appreciate the service’s ideologies and the authority it wields. At that point, he made the decision to join the civil service.
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UPSC Topper Preetam Kumar Education
He earned an 8.6 CGPA while earning his graduate degree in Btech electric engineering. He achieved 95% on his class 10th test and 93% on his class 12th exam.
He studied reading at his village’s primary school until the fifth grade, then transferred to a public school in Nimka until the seventh grade, where he finished his seventh through twelfth grades. After finishing his education, he relocated to Jaipur to prepare for the IIT entrance test. After passing the exam, he entered IIT Ropar and earned a B.tech in electrical engineering.
Preetam Kumar IAS Marksheet
Preetam Kumar obtained a total score of 1030 out of 2025, which includes 201 points in the interview and 829 points in the Civil Services (Main) Written Examination. And this is one of the best scores obtained in the 2021 UPSC interview.
IAS Preetam Kumar UPSC Optional Subject
Preetam Kumar used to take mathematics as an elective for the Civil Services exam, and it significantly improved his written exam scores.
Preetam Kumar UPSC Success
Well, his perseverance, optimism, and learning have paid off in the form of achievement. He had never thought that he would eventually fail the test on this attempt, but also succeed in obtaining AIR-9 and placing among the top ten. Preetam, who hails from a rural background, spent part of his early training years essentially living in hostels. He used to be a natural athlete and still enjoys participating in sports. On his third attempt, he successfully took down AIR-9, making absolutely everyone around him pleased. To all or any hopefuls who can take the test in the future, Preetam needs to spread the word that “hard effort is the key.” To pass this test, he needed three tries. He made his first try at the UPSC in the year 2019, passing both the Prelims and Main exams, but failing the Interview. After failing the interview on his second try, he admitted that it was the hardest part of the process for him. He failed the Interview portion twice. On his third and last try in 2020, he not only passed the UPSC test but also currently has the air 9 rank in India.
IAS Preetam Kumar UPSC Handwritten Notes
If you want Preetam Kumar’s handwritten notes then you can contact Guide2Success counsellor we will guide you in the right direction on how to get his all-subject notes, we provide all UPSC toppers handwritten notes for all subjects contact us on WhatsApp or call us +91 1031395132 .
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UPSC Topper Preetam Kumar Preparation Strategy
The secret to being a UPSC topper in 2021 is preparation. You should focus intensely on the issues and ideas while also gathering as much information as you can about current events. Preetam began studying for the test in 2018 before beginning employment in Delhi for a year. Later on, though, he made the decision to try to self-study for the test, and so his journey toward civil services began. He spent several hours studying at his desk while giving each topic due attention. He saw mathematics as his area of strength and completely focused there, which paid off with brilliant results. Preetam did not give the test at the most crucial moment. He previously took the test two times, but regrettably failed to pass. Both times, he made it to the interview level while also making it barely understandable. In order to fulfil your desires, you must also be aware that you must frequently veer off course. For UPSC candidates, persistence and hard work are two essential traits.
At least 55 to 60 questions come from the static area. Your fundamental texts (such as NCERTs) and class notes are covered by static. In general, there should not be more than one source on a single subject. In recent years, a lot of historical questions have been raised. I believe that no topics or places may be disregarded. Since many questions are now asked outside of these books as well, UPSC is aware of all that is covered in fundamental texts like spectrum, ShankarlAS (Environment), etc. I would advise using these sources to build conceptual comprehension while using your brain to make wise guesses during exams.
Preetam Kumar UPSC Booklist
- Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
- History of Modern India by Spectrum
- Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
- Indian Economy by Sanjiv Verma
- India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
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